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Play time in the pool

Research shows that 95% of children by the age of 7 years old loose their imagination and creativity. This brings tears to my eyes and my heart sinks. So why is play time so important? Why does Little Fish Big Fish Learn 2 S.W.I.M Program use the pool as a playground of fun for the children?

Do you feel that you have no time to play with your child? Do you have a crazy and hurried lifestyle being a taxis driver taking your children to all their different clubs after school? Do you wish that for 30 minutes of your day you could spent this time one-on-one with your child in a relaxed but fun environment? Do you feel you have lost a connection with your child & looking for some time to bond?

Would you like some special time, bonding and having fun in a relaxed and nonjudgemental environment?

Little Fish Big Fish S.W.I.M (Sensory, Water, Interaction, Movement) Program main aim is to bring back creativity and imaginative skills for children and their parents by using the pool as a playful and fun environment.

Why do children benefit from play?

Play allows children to use the creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. Play is important for healthy brain development.

As children master their world, play helps children develop new competencies that read to enhanced confidence and resiliency they will need to face future challenges.

When play is allowed to be child driven, children practice decision making skills, move at their own pace, discover their own areas of interest and ultimately engage fully in the passions they wish to pursue.

Play is a simple joy that is a cherished part of childhood. Can you remember playing outside with your friends until it went dark then knew it was time to go home? Can you remember when you made up stories using old toilet rolls, cardboard boxes and your favourite toy? What about bath time when you spent the time it took for the water to go cold to transform the bath in to the ocean with your ship sailing to a deserted island and finding some amazing creatures? I do and that's why I love being a parent and a teacher.

Play offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children.

Time for free play has been markedly reduced for some children. A hurried lifestyle, changes in family structure, increased attention to academics and enrichment activities means has altered the way in which we see "play time".

Children's developmental trajectory is critically mediated by appropriate, affective relationships with loving and consistent caregivers as they relate to children through play.

When parents observe they children play or join in with them in child-driven play, they are given a unique opportunity to see the world from the children's vantage point as the child navigates a world perfectly created just to fit his or her needs.

The interactions that occur through play tell their children their parents are fully paying attention to them and help them to build enduring relationships.

Parents who have a glimpse into the their children's world learn to communicate more effectively with their children and are given another setting to offer gentle, nurturing guidance.

Less verbal children may be able to express they views, experiences and even frustrations through play, allowing their parents to gain a fuller understanding of their perspective.

Children living in a increasingly complex world.

Currently, many school children are given less free time and fewer physical outlets at school.

Considerable family financial resources are being invested to ensure that the children have what are marketed as "very best" opportunities. Some children lead highly scheduled lives as their parents have "bought in" to the idea that they need to sign their children up (since before they are 2 years old) to every class available: gymnastics, art, dance, music, swimming etc.

It's hard to believe that studies have shown as young as 4 & 5 year olds are already showing signs of stress and being burnt out. Some have been mis-educated to the extent that they have forgotten how to play.

The activities that some children are signed up for might sound interesting and enriching to us but they are creating some level of pressure for our children that they just don't need. They are instructed to be quiet, listen obediently, imitate and told to "get it right". The learning opportunities requires for children to conform to a set of rules and be directed, taught, sometimes even tested, In even the loosest, most playful of these classes, children sense that some sort of performance is expected of them.

Colourful toys are great tools for learning to swim.

Little Fish Big Fish Learn 2 S.W.I.M Program was created to provide the opportunity to gain the highest quality time with their children and to have fun learning together through an E.P.I.C (explore, play, investigate & create) way. We create a relaxed, non judgmental, happy place for you and your child to come to P.L.A.Y and be free of strict, authoritative, rigid systems that traditional swimming lessons haven't moved on from.

What does P.L.A.Y stand for:

Pace - Slowing down to watch and take in their child's natural movement - seeing from your child's eye. Letting your child learn at their own pace - when a child feels safe, they will be ready to explore.

Layering - Preventing over stimulation - using your child's positive and negative cues. Working at different levels within the water - above, below and midline.

Activities - Guided play with a purpose. Different sensory stations relative to the theme of the week.

Youthful - Play is not just a child's work, let your inner playfulness come through too.

Swimming lessons available in Studley, Warwickshire at The Coach House.

For our amazing online program click here.

Call or message Helen for more information.



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